Church Planting: Responsibilities and Ministry


This article consists of my doctoral thesis submitted for my Doctor of Ministry degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. I submit it here because it provides a perspective of how church planting was approached thirty-seven years ago. Much that was true then is becoming more relevantly today as many are turning away from the impersonal mega-church ministries. You will also note my concern at that time for local church ministries and reaching communities neighborhood-by-neighborhood for Christ. While it is true many attempts to plant churches fail, it is also true that most fail because basic principles of ministry are overlooked.

I pray that bring this study to light at this time will assist and encourage the Body of Christ in reaching the lost for Christ. The greatest evangelistic tool is still a well-organized and administered local church.

Click here to read the article

The above cartoon, along with all of the cartoons in the manual, were draw for me specifically to illustrate the content of each chapter.